How Bee's help us


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You may think that bee's are dangerous because they can sting you but they are very helpful to the environment. 

Bee's go around sucking nectar and some pollen attaches to their furry bodies, then when the bee's fly to another flower the pollen will fall on the flower and the flower gets pollinated.

This helps plants reproduce and create fruits and seeds inside the fruits, some plants produce cones to cover the seeds.

So bees are responsible for the world's plants and food, if bees go extinct there would be no life on earth.

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Bee's also produce honey which is very healthy substance. If an animal gets its hands on the honey it will be extremely nutritious for it.

Bee's sting us to protect their family and themselves, when they are provoked they will sting us. So it is our fault they sting us.

When they sting us the Bee's die as they can't pull the sting out of our body and the stinger plays major role in the Bee's digestive system.


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