How The Non-Avian Dinosaurs Went Extinct

K-T Mass Extinction
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The K-T Mass Extinction

The K-T mass extinction or the K-PG mass extinction was a mass extinction that happened 65 million years ago and wiped out 70% of the life on earth including the non-avian dinosaurs. 

When The Dinosaurs Went Extinct

The Non-Avian Dinosaurs went extinct 65 mya (Million Years Ago) at the end of the cretaceous period. 

The avian dinosaurs which are modern day birds are still alive today. 

How The Dinosaurs Went Extinct

Some evidence leads to A large asteroid, 10 km wide hit the Gulf of Mexico. The asteroid was to big to be fully disintegrated like smaller asteroids that hit earth, and so, it caused large damage. 

The impact of the asteroid could be heard on the other side of the planet. Earthquakes started to happen and giant tsunamis started to happen. 

There was a large amount of smoke that engulfed the planet causing it to block out the sunlight which plants require to grow. 

Without sunlight they couldn't make their food through photosynthesis and died out with no food. 

This caused  herbivores to not have food, this included the dinosaurs. With no large herbivores the carnivores to die out. 

Asteroid Hits The Gulf of Mexico
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The Species That Survived The K-T Mass Extinction

The only species that survived this food shortage were the small creatures that did not require a lot of food. 

Creatures such as insects, birds, small lizards and also the small mammals which were in the form of small rodents, etc. 

After The K-T Mass Extinction

With The dominant group, the non-avian dinosaurs out of the way, there were many niches left open for the survivors of the mass extinction. 

The mammals took this opportunity to diversify and become the new dominant group.      


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